Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why Are You An Ass?

Anyone who has worked on a farm with an ass knows what one is like.  An ass is intelligent, efficient, has a good memory, is physically strong, has a slow steady gait, and is dependable.  The ass is commonly referred to as a beast of burden, because for thousands of years it has provided a mode of transportation for people and their belongings.  My how times have changed.

The modern day perception of the ass generally refers to either the human anatomy or mental disposition.  Although the dictionary clearly states that this type of depiction of the ass is in no way the true definition, it is in fact the most commonly used definition in everyday speech at home, in the media, and in commerce.  When the term ass is used in association with a human, it's usually not a good thing.

No, if people are talking about your buttocks and say it is an ass, it's best you don't hear the particulars.  If your ass is huge, you might be able to transport a sack of meal on it, but it won't give you that warm fuzzy feeling inside.  If your ass is say within 36 inches and shaped like a peach, it might turn on the animal drives of every other human around you, but that might make them act like an ass.

Yes, the animal instinct can make you act like an ass.  And people will talk.  If you avoid your higher intellect and act like an animal, you are an ass.  You're acting like an ass when you make unwanted advances toward another person.  You're an ass when you raise your voice to someone who just did what you asked them to.  You're showing your ass when you're irritable and berating someone as they try to clean up your mess.  You're a pain in the ass when you demand someone keep your coffee at a certain temperature.

Why are you an ass?  Are you the ass in the truest sense of the word?  Can you reason through inference?  Do you remember where you parked the car?  Are you physically strong, with a good sense of balance?  Do you follow through with your word?  Do you show up for work every day?  Then again, what part of you is the modern day version of the ass?  What is your beast of burden that makes people talk?

You are designed as both the ass of yore and the ass of today.  You have intelligence and useful abilities.  But people are talking about the size of your buttocks and the level of your self-absorption.  You can't change mother nature.  So what do you do?

Decide why you are the ass of yore and let that part of you shine.  Decide why you are the ass of today and talk to people about your burdens before they talk about you.  Just don't burden anyone with it.  Figure out a way you and your cohorts can deal with it and then move on.  Sometimes just letting the people around you know you are aware of your own flaws is enough.  And on the days people talk about your ass, help clean up the mess.

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