Sunday, May 29, 2011

Where Do You Die?

All of the body's time is spent managing its trillion or more cells.  A lot of the time spent is in the funeral business.  Cells either die of old age, are killed by toxins, succumb to the damage of abuse, or burst from body imbalances.  The funeral business is a necessity inside the body because every day cells are dying somewhere.

Yes, the body has a funeral for its own cells when they die.  There is a ritual that takes place that is just like a funeral.  The byproducts of cell death are identified and prepared.  Most of them come from the proliferating parts of the body, like the blood stream, the gastrointestinal lining, or hair follicles.  Then they are either buried inside another cell or transported so that they may be laid to rest somewhere else in the body.  Most often the remains are buried in an area that evacuates itself from time to time.  The remains of cells are excreted so that may be free.

Cells die because they have a cycle of life just like everything else.  Some cells live longer than others.  Some cell types reproduce and perpetuate their own cycle to maintain a function and purpose in life.  Some cells die and the only thing left is a memory.  But cells die and the byproducts of cell death must be managed by the body.  The ritual to identify, prepare, and carry off the remains takes place every time.  It is a funeral ritual, but does not have as many aspects to it as a funeral does for a human body.

No, the funeral of a cell body does not come with the same expectations as a funeral for a human body.  Both the cell and the human have intelligent function.  They both can potentially die in a number of ways.  They both need to be taken care of after death.  The expectation differs, though, because of the differing focus on life after death.

The cell focus is on rebirth and the continuation of reproduction and maintenance of function.  The focus is on renewal.  The human focus is on the death itself, how one life has ceased to exist and the impossibility of associated humans to continue life without it.  The focus is more on the internal death of the spirit of those who continue to live.  The human endures cell death that is compounded by dying a little bit more inside.

Where do you die?  Do you die a little in your blood stream for the sake of renewal?  Do you die in your stomach lining to strengthen that which protects you?  Or do you kill entire parts of your body with drugs?  Do you create permanent damage to your lungs with smoke?  Do you drink to numb your brain by killing its cells?  Or do you succumb to grief and other mental anguish that kills your spirit in advance of your body?

Every day everyone dies a little bit inside.  Death occurs for both renewal and to cease an existence.  You can't change nature, so what do you do?  Protect what you have now so that it functions to the fullest before death.  Celebrate the renewal of life and support it in every way that it needs to flourish.  Identify your biggest purpose now and live it to the fullest potential.  Get it done before the funeral.  In the end you'll be set free.

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